Live & Let Live

US Bach Beech Crop 600x380
Intolerant, critical


Be More Tolerant. Positive Potential: Tolerance & compassion for others.

US Bach Chicory Crop 600x380
Possessive, territorial


Love Unconditionally. Positive Potential: Care for others without the expectation of reciprocity.

US Bach RockWater Crop 600x380
Rigid, inflexible standards

Rock Water

Flexible Mind. Positive Potential: To have a flexible attitude when striving for goals.

US Bach Vervain Crop 600x380
Righteous, enthusiasm


Relax & Calm. Positive Potential: Wisdom & tolerance.

US Bach Vine Crop 600x380
Bossy, dominate


Motivate Not Dominate. Positive Potential: Seeing the good in others; guiding & encouraging without controlling.

Bach Flowers and related positive potentials according to the original methods and findings of Dr. Edward Bach, and as referenced in his book Twelve Healers and Other Remedies (Saffron Walden, Essex, England: C.W. Daniel Company, 1936)