Live The Day

US Bach ChestnutBud Crop 600x380
Repeat mistakes, fail to learn

Chestnut Bud

Learn From Mistakes. Positive Potential: Gain knowledge & wisdom & from the past.

US Bach Clematis Crop 600x380
Spacey, daydream


Have Focus. Positive Potential: Find concentration & interest in the day-to-day.

US Bach Honeysuckle Crop 600x380
Dwell on past, nostalgia


Embrace The Now. Positive Potential: Live in the present, letting history be a lesson for the future.

US Bach Mustard Crop 600x380
High & low states, gloom


Be Joyful. Positive Potential: To bring joy back to life.

US Bach Olive Crop 600x380
Tired, lack of energy


Restore Energy. Positive Potential: To let go, allowing revitalization & restoration of mental energy.

US Bach WhiteChestnut Crop 600x380
Preoccupied, mind races

White Chestnut

White Chestnut. Positive Potential: Tranquility & peace of mind.

US Bach WildRose Crop 600x380
Apathetic, resignation

Wild Rose

Show Enthusiasm. Positive Potential: Enthusiasm & an active interest in the world & people around you.

Bach Flowers and related positive potentials according to the original methods and findings of Dr. Edward Bach, and as referenced in his book Twelve Healers and Other Remedies (Saffron Walden, Essex, England: C.W. Daniel Company, 1936)