Dog licking and eating Rescue® Pet Calming Chews for Dogs from table
Rescue® Pets

Natural Calm for Your Pets

Support your pet’s emotional balance with Rescue® Pets.

Providing Emotional Support

Supporting and soothing your pet during challenging situations and helping maintain calmness.

Trusted for Over 85 Years

From the makers of Rescue®, the emotional wellbeing brand trusted worldwide for generations.

Safe & Easy to Use

Works on an emotional level to relax pets, can be given daily or on an as-needed basis.

A Natural Way to Support Pet Well-Being

Rescue® Pets is specially formulated using Bach Original Flower Remedies, designed to help pets feel calm and reassured during stressful situations.

#1 Natural Stress & Sleep Support Brand Worldwide*

*Nelsons®, Sept 2023. Rescue® is the most widely distributed natural stress & sleep brand worldwide. Data on file.