Nelsons is the UK's largest,and Europe's oldest,manufacturer of natural healthcare products. Our headoffice is located in Wimbledon, London. We have three subsidiary offices (Boston - USA, Hamburg - Germany, and Monaco); one retail pharmacy (Mayfair, London - UK); and two manufacturing sites (Wimbledon, UK and Snowdonia, UK). Both manufacturing sites are GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) compliant and audited by the UK MHRA (Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency). Our Wimbledon manufacturing site additionally has FDA (US Food and Drug Administration) accreditation. We have distributor partnerships in all our key markets and have distribution in approximately 40 countries. We also supply to market through pharmacy and grocery retail channels, as well as to online marketplaces.
This statement outlines our ongoing commitment to acting ethically and responsibly in all our business dealings and relationships, and to implementing and enforcing effective systems and controls to ensure modern slavery and human trafficking are not taking place anywhere, across any part of our global business or supply chain. This strong commitment is reflected in Nelsons' Anti Slavery & Human Trafficking Policy, any breach of which is taken very seriously.
We have zero tolerance to slavery and human trafficking, and a strong pledge towards ethical and responsible trading. This commitment aligns with Nelsons' core values, one of which is integrity; we do everything we can to cultivate a culture of integrity throughout our business and operations. Our business decisions are guided by our mission of inspiring generations to live happier, healthier lives; and our vision of being a leading socially responsible natural healthcare group dedicated to our consumers' everyday health and wellness through high quality naturally inspired global brands that deliver effective results in a gentle and safe way for our consumers and everyone along the end to end supply chain.
We are committed to ensuring there is transparency in our own business and in our approach to tackling modern slavery throughout our supply chain, consistent with our disclosure obligations under the Modern Slavery Act 2015. We expect the same high standards from all of our contractors, suppliers, distributors and
other business partners, and as part of our contracting processes and documentation, we include specific prohibitions against the use of forced, compulsory or trafficked labour, or anyone held in slavery or servitude, whether adults or children, and we expect that our suppliers will hold their own suppliers to the same high standards. Nelsons' Ethical Sourcing Questionnaire and Supplier Code of Conduct, for our key direct suppliers, further reinforces the importance we place on ethical and responsible trading.
Nelsons has a long tradition of supporting communities both in the UK and abroad through its approach to fair and ethical business practices; ethical business conduct is a fundamental element of what makes Nelsons a company of which we are all proud. Our ongoing engagement with this critical area gives Nelsons' board confidence that day to day business decisions are always taken within the context of the appropriate mind-set, guided by our culture and core values. We expect to see these behaviours at all levels of the company. Maintaining our reputation as a responsible business depends on both our individual and collective conduct, and we place strong focus on the way we operate our business activities.
As part of our ongoing initiatives to identify and mitigate risks around anti-slavery and human trafficking in our supply chain, we have in place the below programmes, processes and policies. All of these act to:
- Identify and assess potential risk areas in our supply chain
- Monitor potenital risk areas in our supply chain: and
- Protect whistle blowers.
Business Conduct Programme
Every Nelsons' worker annually completes our online Business Conduct
E-Module & Knowledge Check which covers the core areas of Modern Slavery, Anti Bribery, Anti-Facilitation of Tax Evasion, Confidentiality, Conflicts of Interest and Whistleblowing. Each of these areas is underpinned by a Policy. 100% of the company successfully completed this programme in 2024 and there have been no dismissals for breaches of business conduct in 2024.
Business Relationships
Nelsons strive to work with customers and suppliers that embrace standards of ethical behaviour that are consistent with our own standards and policies. Many of our relationships are long-standing, due to the regulated environment within which
we operate. We are committed to
responsibly conducting business throughout our supply chain, and continually improving processes which reduce the risk of unethical practices. To clarify the standards of conduct
we expect from our suppliers, we follow the below best practices to reinforce
our stance on responsible procurement: through our procurement, quality, and legal & compliance pre-contract due diligence, which includes insurance verifications, industry accreditation checks, disclosure of outstanding legal claims, and a physical audit of their premises. All of these ensure compliance with our standards across quality, technical, regulatory and business conduct disciplines.
We recognise the importance of maintaining constantly alert to
identifying and addressing any issues in relation to slavery and human
trafficking in Nelsons, and throughout our supply chain. We will undertake annual
reviews of our approach to anti-slavery
and human trafficking, to ensure our policies and programmes, driven by our board and leadership team, are embedded
throughout Nelsons' culture, structure, systems and processes.
This statement is made pursuant to
section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes our anti-slavery
and human trafficking statement for the financial year ending 2024. This statement
was approved on behalf
of the Nelsons' Board by Garry
Watts, Nelsons' Chair.